Getting inspiration from creating an unique tour made us to start with buffalo cave project.

Starting from seeking a suitable place for this idea to all the related things, we wish everything match with local culture which based on agricultural background.
With the thought of a buffalo which is the symbol of the country as well as Vietnamese farmer, buffalo cave tours was found at an amazing rural landscape of Ninh Binh.

Buffalo cave located in Tam Coc which is a UNESCO world natural heritage. It was the spectacular combination between water, limestone and natural. Buffalo cave was around 1ha complex including mountain, river, rice field, waterfall and a small cave. This cave had original name as Ong Le cave which believed used to be a hidden place for Vietnamese soldier during the war. There was still many vestige in Chinese and French inside the cave.

There was many activities held in buffalo cave, all bring a special insight to the life of a real farmer in Vietnam. We ensure this will be unforgettable memories for all traveler once visit buffalo cave. It was not only interesting because of above fun activities but also because the stories behind about the authentic life of Vietnamese farmer.

Buffalo cave tours is one of the best way to experience nature and local life of Vietnamese. Working alongside the rice farmer of Ninh Binh via unique activities as buffalo riding, rice planting, fishing … Enjoy the breath taking landscape of rural northern Vietnam.