Water buffalo has scientific name as Bubalus bubalis. Water buffalo name is due to the fact that they spend most time of day submerged in water. In fact, their hooves developed as widely splayed in order to prevent them from sinking into the thick mud of swamps and river bottoms.
The water buffalo is the traditional symbol of Vietnam which plays an important role in Vietnamese culture and agriculture, being a farmer’s most valued possession. During the past, buffalo was useful because they can pull plows in the rice fields as well as carrying things to make farming much easier.

They have many qualities Vietnamese people appreciate, such as diligence, a gentle disposition, and loyalty, and can also symbolize powerful warriors.
Buffalos represent Vietnamese people’s characteristics including hardworking, friendly, and durability
Buffalos appear in many Vietnamese stories, paintings, festivals, and in poetry as a symbol of a peaceful and prosperous life.

Buffalo also had a strong contribution to the success of Vietnam’s revolution against invaders. Water buffalo not only carries loads for farmers but also pull carts of supplies for soldiers during wartime. Buffalos were an “undercover” means of transport, being able to walk on very poor roads, cross bridges and rivers, and climb steep hills.
Today, due to industrialization in agriculture, the buffalo is no longer such a major asset. The animal’s image is also less likely to appear in cultural and artistic works. Machines replaced water buffalo which makes them become more like a source of meat. Buffalo meat’s quality is as good as beef and there are also many accessories made of buffalo’s leather, horn …

Because of all above things, water buffalo was considered as an unreplaceable animal in Vietnam. People also believe that water buffalo is such as as the national animal which related closely to Vietnamese culture.